When on our Cape York adventures we have come across many different animals and plants that you don’t get to see every day. Here are a few of the northern locals that we have come across. Corypha Palm A gigantic trunk that grows up to 30m tall an enormous crown that spans approximately 8m across. […]
Archive | June, 2017

Halco Laser Pro 140DD
Halco’s new addition to Laser Pro series is the Laser Pro 140DD. The Halco Laser pro range has proven effective in all environments and is successful globally. The high tech polycarbonate material construction of the bib has made it bullet proof and can withstand the big hits from bluewater species. Its fast action performs at […]

Barramundi Creek
After a few week fishing and camping at Cape Melville it was good to stop for a night on banks of Barramundi creek. Well it lived up to its name, with some nice fresh water barra been landed only 40m from camp. The fishing was best in the middle of the day in 38degree heat. […]
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