Toppers & Sauces

Mint Jelly
Whip it up in minutes from some fresh mint from the garden. Mint jelly is perfect on lamb cutlets, roast lamb and crumbed venision.

Worcestershire Sauce
Worcestershire Sauce is like a good red wine, it matures with age. An old-time favourite that will never grow old.

Worcestershire Chutney
An English style chutney that is wonderful served with steak, used as a topper for hamburgers and sandwiches or served with cheese and savory biscuit nibbles.

Tomato Relish
One of grandma’s homemade delights that we once used to cook together on the crown wooden fired stove when tomatoes where plentiful in the garden.

Chilli and Mango sauce
This is an ideal sauce to use on any seafood dish and it’s as easy as adding extra lime juice to the sauce to make a Thai style salad dressing....

Mango Chutney
This is an ultimate dressing for a cold meat sandwich and makes a beautiful base for a curry. Support the Australian farmer by purchasing locally grown fruit. Honey gold mangoes...
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